Tuesday, September 12

Orb Click for more info

Orb's been around for a while, but I've only recently had the time to give it a good go. In short, it's a media server tool that runs on your PC, providing easy access to the music, video and pictures on it to any remote point that has a web browser. Oh, and it's free.

Just in case none of that makes sense to you, in short, this little magical piece of software lets me listen to all my music and watch all my movies and series via my browser (Firefox, but presumably IE works too) at work. And I'm not talking postage sized blur-o-vision here, but good quality, watchable and listenable stuff. And you can also get it to monitor live television (via a TV tuner) or a webcam too. It's pretty awesome.

My K800i can only manage pictures which is a shame, but then data charges still make this kind of stuff prohibitive anyway. A friend managed to access all of his stuff with his Vario II, and since he doesn't pay for data either it's a pretty neat solution that allows him to watch an episode or two on the bus into work.

If only I had set this up for the Cricket last week!

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