Saturday, February 7

Film: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Click for more info

First things first: this film is long. It feels long. There were times I fell asleep and didn't miss much. I'm not saying the film is boring but, well, just think about taking a pillow if you decide to watch it.

A quick google shows that I'm not the only one to draw parallels between Benjamin Button and one of my favourite books, The Time Traveller's Wife. Both introduce a weird time warping twist to their respective stories, neither are science fiction novels and both are almost totally character driven. In fact I'd probably ask you to have a read of my take on TTTW since it largely reflects how I felt about TCCBB. In short the curious affliction Benjamin has been afflicted bit is secondary to his (and his wife's) coming of age story.

Which leaves us to the other, more filmy, parts of the film. The acting was superb, with Brad Pitt once again showing us that he's not just a pretty fa...body. Cate Blanchett is equally good, as is the production as a whole really. The story and script present plenty of laughs and tears, as each anecdote of Benjamin's life is told in a particular and unique way (Benjamin's take on causality part way through the movie was of particular interest to me).

In fact the only gripe I really have of the film is its length. Ordinarily this isn't of much concern - I've seen more than enough Bollywood to have become accustomed to sitting on my bum for that long. No, it's more that the film seemed a bit laboured at times, as if it was trying too hard to make very simple points. I guess it's safe to cover all the bases and make sure your whole audience is on the same page, but personally I would have preferred a good half hour or so to have been trimmed off.

But in the end I will recommended Benjamin Button. It's different and enjoyable enough not to pass up; just make sure you take a pillow and blanket with you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the length of the movie. But, you gave it more of a positive review than I did. I found the story interesting but at the same time forgettable. I feel that the whole movie was orchestrated for the Oscars.
