Sunday, April 1

The Last Post

After almost three years of making posts on this blog publicly available, I've decided that it's time to stop.

There isn't a single thing in particular that's led me to this decision, although generally I just don't think those that read these pages take them as seriously as he who writes them. I get that it's extremely pathetic to feel unappreciated over a blog, but still, it's how I feel.

Some use it to build up a cache of ammunition against me, some think the blog is the only thing I'm about, and some don't even bother reading it properly at all. Even though I've always claimed to write for no one but myself, faced with all that I no longer see the point.

I will still be writing, and then to Radio Shak. But I'll be turning on some of Blogger's new security features in order to administer who it's read by. I've already contacted those who I figure want to continue reading, and for you guys there should be no change. For anyone else who wants to continue reading, I'm sorry, but I'm not open to the idea of allowing any more members.

I'll be making the switch early tomorrow morning in order to give people and RSS readers a chance to pick up this post. Regardless of what you think about these articles, I'd like to thank you all for reading for as long as you did anyway. I hope that you each got at least something out of them.


  1. ..I almost fell for it..

    you would die without the blog!!!
