Monday, September 23

Peru, Day Eight: And Back We Go

It became clear this morning that we didn't have many options once we left Cabanaconde two nights ago. For instance: what do you do when you have to hike 3-4 hours to catch a 9:15am bus? The answer, as hateful as it is, is to begin said hike before sunrise.

Still, at least we got to see the effect of the rising sun on the canyon. This was almost a straight ascent back up to Cabanaconde, some 1km higher. It was super tough but we made it with a little time to spare, after which we took the much less gruelling seven hour bus ride back to Arequipa.

This was essentially the end of our planned holiday - everything from this point was to be much less structured and much more easy going. As such we enjoyed our final hours in the city visiting the cathedral, having a final supper and walking up to the Yanahuara for the view of the city and imposing volcano.

There's nothing like a three day hike you make you appreciate the quieter things, and if I did have spare time in Peru I would have loved to have spent it here.

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