Wednesday, June 27

Back From Australia

Yes, the rumours are true - I landed on good ol' Heathrow tarmac this morning (specifically 5:45am). For those of you wondering how my time in Australia was, I will of course be frantically blogging it all retrospectively. But in the meantime the short version is that it was blummin' awesome, and ranks as one of my best holidays ever.

But for now, a few thoughts on returning to the UK:

  • Although 24 hour flights aren't as bad as they sound, going straight to work after landing is a bit tough. Still at least it's not as bad as the Hong Kong-cum-uni lecture of 2000.
  • No more four minute showers! Not that I was particularly good at restricting mine, but at least now I don't have to feel guilty about that.
  • In just over two weeks some things have changed here at home. I've come back to a new Prime Minister, a home vastly modified and a bedroom that is no longer painted pink. I'm particularly upset about that last one.
  • On the other hand some things never change. Work is the obvious one, and the refurbishment going on at Oxford Circus still hasn't been completed. Although that's been going on for months so I guess there's no reason to expect it to have been done with now.
  • Around two weeks of no Internet, although liberating, is making it painful to come back again. I've caught up with the e-mail part (all four hundred items across three accounts), but groups and news just frighten me. I guess I should make a start...
Anyway, keep coming back for Australia updates. If you actually care, I mean.

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